You can use the image_url filter on any image URL:

{{ entry.image | image_url }}
{# outputs: #}

Custom width and height dimensions can never be resized to be larger than the original dimensions of the image.


width: number | min: 1

You can specify the width of the image. If you only specify the width, then the height is automatically calculated based on the image's dimensions:

{{ entry.image | image_url({ width: 280 }) }}
{# outputs: #}


height: number | min: 1

You can specify the height of the image. If you only specify the height, then the width is automatically calculated based on the image's dimensions:

{{ entry.image | image_url({ height: 280 }) }}
{# outputs: #}


format: string

You can specify the file format to use for the image:

{{ entry.image | image_url({ width: 280, format: 'webp' }) }}
{# outputs: #}

The valid formats are jpeg, webp, avif, png, svg, or gif

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